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Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health Papers)

  • Please CALL into the office at least three weeks before the date you will leave for the show.  If animals need any kind of testing please call in sooner to leave time to get test results back from the lab.
  • Before we will schedule you for an appointment we must have received ALL of the required information listed below and the animals must have their required official identification in place. Read all instructions below before completing the form and sending the information. The form must be completed correctly and entirely. Please send all required information to
  • All animals must have a form of Official Identification. See information and website links below. 
  • Our office staff and veterinarians spend a lot of time looking into requirements and ensuring safe, healthy, and legal transport of all species. Please help us make this a team effort to save time and costs!

Required Information

  • Show and State Requirements: These can be found on the show’s and the state’s website or online entry site.  
  • Our “Certificate of Veterinary Inspection/ Health Paper Request Form” filled out completely.

Certificate of Veterinary Inspection/Health Paper Request Form

Please find the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection/Health Paper Request Form under the "FORMS" tab or please call our office for more information.

  • Bill to Account: Name of person to be invoiced
  • Date Leaving: Date the animals will begin transport
  • Date(s) of Show/ Sale: Include the entire window of dates the animals will be at the show, sale, etc.
  • Owner Information: Mailing address and contact information for the owner. This usually matches registration and entry papers. For 4-H shows, the 4-Her (exhibitor) showing the animal must be listed as the owner on the paper. 
  • Animal Location: Physical address of where the animals are located and will be moving form. Include farm or location name if different from the contact person.
  • Destination Information: Information for where animals are going. Include name of show or sale and facility name (i.e. Maryland State Fair at Maryland State Fairgrounds).
  • Carrier Information: Contact information for the person and/or company transporting the animals.
  • Species
  • ID’s (Identification)
    • Please specify the type of ID (i.e. RFID Tag, Scrapie Tag, Registration Number, Microchip, Ear Tattoo, Farm Tag, 4-H Tag). Include ALL forms of identification on the animal.
    • Official ID’s: RFID or Scrapie Tags only. Be sure to include the premise ID portion of the Scrapie Tag (i.e. MD0000-1234).
    • State specific information can be found online.
  • Sex: Circle letter corresponding to the correct sex - female, male, or castrated male.
  • Date of Birth: We need an exact birthdate for most papers. If unsure, you can estimate (i.e. if the breeder told you sometime in February, you can put February 1st). 
  • Breed: Crossbred is not acceptable - can be a breed mixed with something (i.e. Angus Cross).
  • Color(s)

State Regulations

Below are some brief requirements for the states we often have clients traveling too. Please research all requirements for the destination state and specific show or sale you will be attending. This information should also be sent to us with the required form. 

Maryland: Please visit the MD Department of Agriculture website for up-to-date information and requirements

  • All cattle must be vaccinated for IBR, BRSV, BVD, & PI3. We recommend Triangle 10 HB or Vira Shield 6+VL5 HB. Both of these have a 21 day slaughter withhold. 

Pennsylvania: Please visit the PA Department of Agriculture website for up-to-date information and requirements

  • All pigs must have a CVI dated within 30 days. All out-of-state intact swine must be tested for Pseudorabies and Brucella. This is a blood test that must be sent off to the lab with results given prior to writing a CVI.
  • All animals going to the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex must be vaccinated for Rabies.

Virginia: Please visit the VA Department of Agriculture website for up-to-date information and requirements

  • All sheep and goats MUST have Scrapie tags (registration tattoos are not valid) - no exceptions! See website above.
  • Health papers must be completed online through Global Vet Link for cattle